Mill Ford School


PSHE is core to ensuring Mill Ford pupils leave us able to engage with the world, to get the most out of life and give the most back to society.   PSHE is a key subject in meeting our ACCESS ethos to ensure pupils achieve all they can, increase their communication and interaction with others, contribute to society, enjoy life, develop skills and have a strong sense of self.

PSHE allows our pupils to acquire and develop necessary life skills at a level appropriate to their needs and learning style. As with all areas of their learning, for our informal learners develop their skills in the 5 areas of engagement. During topic-based lesson informal learner will focus on developing their exploration, realisation, anticipation, persistence and initiation via a sensory-based curriculum.


In EYFS/KS1 PSHE is covered using the EYFS prime area of Personal, Social and Emotional Development and progress is tracked for the individual using Development Matters. Children are given the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge in this area using adult and child led activities, with clear learning opportunities built in.


In KS2 PSHE is taught using a topic-based approach within themes that address the development of pupils individual PSHE skills. Progress is tracked using our life skills and social skills tracker to ensure skills and knowledge are committed to long-term memory.


In KS3 PSHE is taught in a subject specific way using the EQUALS Schemes of Work, Mental health, well-being and emotional vocabulary are taught in the Autumn term, personal hygiene and puberty, along with gender identity, in the Spring and healthy eating and lifestyles in the Summer term. Progress continues to be tracked in KS3 using our life skills and social skills tracker to ensure skills and knowledge is built on and committed to long-term memory.


In KS4 and 5 PHSE is integral in all the work covered to develop pupils life skills as well as through activities such as games relating to play therapy. As with everything we teach it is based on individual needs but we continue to build on the skills and knowledge gained in previous years, especially with regard to a healthy lifestyle and well being. Progress continues to be tracked in the same way.


PSHE in KS4 includes identity (building on KS3 work), emotions, relationships, positive and negative, including bullying and drugs and alcohol.  PHSE in KS5 builds on the work in KS4. For formal learners this includes rights and responsibilities, sexual orientation, rape and grooming, harassment, coercion, assault and exploitation and pornography, as well as continuing with online dangers. For semi-formal learners this includes continued work on SoSafe and personal care.


We use The SoSAFE! programme of study to teach about safer boundaries with social and sexual relationships.  The SoSAFE! Programme is a visual teaching tool that enables learners to develop their abilities in managing; and communicating about their relationships. It covers all degrees of interaction; from a student’s expectations of strangers, to the intricacies of an intimate relationship.


SoSAFE! provides a format which is portable and easy to understand, meaning that any student can discuss their relationships at any time. By giving students a set of ‘rules’ for different relationships they are better placed to realise when a relationship may not be acceptable and then have the tools to report potential abuse.


Pupils have their own learning goals in this area and the programme is delivered in a sequential manner that ensures each section is learnt before moving onto the next. However, as rule of thumb semi-formal learners will know who their private helpers are, their family, community workers I know, community workers I don’t know, friends and other people I don’t know by the end of KS3.


The teaching if Sex Education at Mill Ford follows these aims:


  • Information is presented in a sensitive, balanced and objective manner.
  • Students have access to individual sex education and relationships as and when their physical, emotional and social development dictates.
  • Promote and develop self esteem.
  • Encourage the development of appropriate behaviour in their family and community.
  • Empower pupils by teaching and supporting them how to make informed choices and decisions..
  • Enable pupils to protect themselves
  • Give opportunity for discussion in a safe environment.

The link to our PHSE / RSE Subject Intent is here