Mill Ford School

Upcoming Meetings

Proposed dates for 2023-2024

Governing Body Meeting: Thursday 28 March 2024

Governing Body Meeting: Thursday 23 May 2024

Governing Body Meeting: Wednesday 10 July 2024


NB - meetings commence at 5.00pm and are held at Mill Ford School unless otherwise stated


Governor Day: Wednesday 10 July 2024 from 09:00


Copies of meeting agendas, minutes and associated paperwork for the current and previous three academic years are available on request - please contact the school office at: or in writing to the following address: For the attention of Chair of Governors, Mill Ford School, Rochford Crescent, Ernesettle, Plymouth, PL5 2PY.

Please be aware that any confidential paperwork and Part 2 minutes will be omitted.