Mill Ford School

Who’s Who?


Meet The Governing Body

Dr Jan Georgeson

Chair - Co-Opted Governor
Term of Office Expiry: 10.09.2025
Appointed By: Governing Body


Quality of Teaching, Assessment, Curriculum and EFYS 




Dr Paul Jarvis

Vice Chair - Co-Opted Governor
Term of Office Expiry: 08.05.2028
Appointed by: Governing Body


Behaviour and Attendance

Health and Safety

Head Teacher Appraisal Panel - Chair



Mrs Claire Wills

Head Teacher
Term of Office Expiry: N/A
Appointed By: Ex Officio


Miss Karen Dark 

Parent Governor

Second Vice Chair

Term of Office Expiry: 20.04.2026

Appointed by: Parents


Behaviour and Attendance

Child Protection, Safeguarding, Looked After Children & Whistleblowing

Health and Safety

Premises and Building

Salary Panel


Mrs Beth Evans

Support Staff Governor - co-opted position

Term of Office Expiry: 20.05.2028

Appointed by: Support Staff and Governing Body


Finance (until governor vacancy filled)


Miss Laura Nankivell

Parent Governor

Term of Office Expiry: 23.11.2026

Appointed by: Parents


Head Teacher's Appraisal Panel

Premises and Building

Well being and Communication

Mr Richard Pollock

Local Authority Governor
Term of Office Expiry: 17.07.2027
Appointed by: Local Authority



Head Teacher's Appraisal Panel

Salary Panel

Kate Ullman

Teacher Governor

Term of Office Expiry: 06.05.2024

Appointed by: Teaching Staff


Post 16 and Careers



Judicium Education

Judicium Education Clerking & Governance Service

Clerk to Governors



Pecuniary Interests

Name of Governor

Date Pecuniary Interests Declaration Signed

Nature of interest/Business Relationship with Company or personal (including membership of other Governing Bodies and relationships with members of staff)

Current DBS (enhanced) expiry date

Date Annual Safeguarding Declaration Signed

Dr J Georgeson

19 December 2023

Staff member at Plymouth Institute of Education, The University of Plymouth

15 December 2026

23 September 2022

Dr P Jarvis

28 November 2023

Director at Jarvis Nuclear Limited

Trustee of Mill Ford Friends

Director of Jeremiah's Journey

18 October 2026

26 September 2022

Miss K Dark

24 March 2024

Trustee of Mill Ford Friends

21 April 2025

30 September 2022

Mr K Chrzanowski

24 September 2022


03 July 2024

24 September 2022

Mrs B Evans

18 October 2023

Secretary for 1st Roborough Scout Group

Membership Secretary for The Costume Society

29 September 2024

22 September 2022

Miss L Nankivell

02 November 2023


11 November 2025

29 November 2022

Mr R Pollock

25 September 2022

Coodes LLP Solicitors (Partner)

Secretary - Cornwall Community Foundation (Charity)

06 February 2026

25 September 2022

Kate Ullman

18 October 2023


16 November 2025

11 October 2022

Mrs C Wills

22 September 2022

Personally employs an ex-school employee who left the school to explore a different career

22 February 2026

22 September 2022