Mill Ford School

Impact Statement


The Governing Body at Mill Ford has three key roles:

  • To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • To hold the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, including their well-being and safety.
  • To oversee the financial performance of the school and to ensure that money is well spent.


At Mill Ford School the Governing Body has also chosen to add an additional role:

  • To oversee staff are provided with an excellent working environment ensuring their performance, career development and well – being are paramount.


We monitor, challenge, advise and approve school improvement regularly as evidenced by governor minutes which are available for scrutiny, thus contributing to the continuous journey of moving the school from being a good to an outstanding one.


Please see links below to the governors most recent review of their actions and impact:


Governors Annual Statement 2022.2023

Governors Annual Statement 2021.2022