Mill Ford School

Visitor Information

We are very proud of our school and very much enjoying showing others what we do but the safeguarding of our pupils is of upmost importance and the requests below are to protect them.

All visitors to the school will be asked to sign in at reception and receive a visitors badge. When signing in visitors will receive advice about our school and our safeguarding information. 

Evidence Required

Photographic ID or proof of who you are will be required and evidence of the purpose of your visit.

If you will be working within the school, you will also be asked to provide for evidence for your DBS checks and if unable to do this you will have to have a member of staff accompany you around the school.


If you are able to show us a valid DBS you will be given a visitors badge with a yellow lanyard but if unable to, you will be given a badge with a red lanyard. If you have an ID badge from your own employer you will also be requested to wear this.