Mill Ford School


We use a range of interventions holistically to meet the wide range of needs of individuals. Every intervention may not be needed for every individual and individuals may only need any given intervention for a set period of time. As with everything we do at Mill Ford interventions are used to support pupils learning and progress on an individual basis.


Speech and Language Therapy

A Speech and Language Therapy team support staff to deliver a Total Communication environment. Many of our children struggle to understand and use spoken language, and need support to communicate their basic needs, wants and desires. Total communication makes use of the skills of each individual and uses a range of other communication methods to support understanding. These include, but are not limited to, body language, facial expression, sign and gesture, symbols, music, contextual cues and objects



Makaton uses signs and symbols to help people communicate. It supports the development of essential communication skills such as attention and listening, comprehension, memory, recall and organisation of language and expression. Makaton signs are based in the gestures used in British Sign Language.


PECS – Picture Exchange Communication System:

PECS is a type of Augmentative and Alternative Communication that uses visual symbols to teach the learner to communicate with others. The aim is to teach intentional, functional communication and to allow users to communicate their wants and needs


Augmentative and Alternative Communication:

Alongside PECS, we utilise other devices to aid children and young people who find it difficult to speak. This may be through the use of advanced computer technology with items such as an Ipad or ipod touch with Proloquo2go or through equipment such as the Big Mack switch.


Intensive Interaction:

This is an approach designed to help children and young people at early levels of development. It supports the development of early interaction , how to enjoy being with others, how to relate, know, understand and practice communication routines.



A team from the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services help to assess and support children and young people with emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties. They may undertake functional assessments of behaviour, sensory profiling and/or offer advice and support to school staff and to parents/carers.


Blue Sky therapies

Richard Wooliams – Occupational Therapist visits the school weekly to provide hands on support to individual children and young people and to give advice to staff. This may be in the form of undertaking sensory profiling, or demonstrating techniques such as ‘Brushing’


VI/HI Specialist teachers

Specialist teachers from the Visual and Hearing impairment service visit individuals at school as needed. They provide hands on support to individual children and young people and also to give advice to staff


Paediatric Physiotherapy

A physiotherapist is based as the school weekly providing support to individual children and young people and also providing advice to staff on how best to support children’s physical development.

Educational Psychology

A dedicated link Education Psychologist, who is part of PCC integrated SEND services, is allocated to the School. The focus of the service is to work with school staff and families to improve the educational outcomes, social , emotional health and well-being, and personal development of children and young people through the application of psychology.


Therapy Dog

We have our own therapy dog in training. He is a Portuguese Water Dog. This breed are known to be loyal, friendly, and intelligent breed that like nothing better than to please. They are hypoallergenic with non shedding coats.

Numerous research studies point to the benefits of having therapy dogs in school, with benefits to both students and staff, including reducing anxiety, fatigue and depression, promoting physical healing, reducing blood pressure as well as providing emotional support.

Alongside these benefits we hope that Scout will help those students who may be hypervigilant of dogs and over time reaction to dogs by these students will reduce. He will also help students with communication, independence, responsibility and social situations.



The TEACCH approach provides a focus on a child or young person and the development of a program around their skills, interests and needs. It provides a way of organizing the physical environment, developing schedules and work systems, making expectations clear and explicit, and using visual materials as effective ways of developing skills and allowing children and young people to use these skills independently of direct adult prompting and cueing.



Elements of Theraplay are used within the school ‘Playworks’ to help to build and enhance attachment, self esteem, trust in others, and joyful engagement.



SoSAFE! Provides staff, parents and carers with skills and simple visual tools to enhance the social, social-sexual and social safety training of children and young people in school.

A standardized framework of symbols, visual teaching tools and concepts are used to teach strategies for moving into relationships in a safe and measured manner, and provides visual communication tools for reporting abuse.



The school has its own hydrotherapy pool which is used to support programmes developed by the Physiotherapy team.



 Tacpac draws together touch and music to create a structured half hour of sensory communication between two people. Tacpac creates sensory alignment and helps children and young people who have sensory impairment, developmental delay, complex learning difficulties, tactile defensiveness and limited of pre-verbal levels of communication.


Attention Autism

 Attention Autism is an intervention model designed by Gina Davies, Specialist Speech and Language Therapist. It aims to develop natural and spontaneous communication through the use of visually based and highly motivating activities.